Kendrai Meeks
Urban & Future Fantasy Author
Kendrai Meeks
Firstly and foremost, I detest sarcasm. I became a published author in 2011, and put out nine books in romance and science fiction. In 2017, I decided to return to my first loves, science fiction and fantasy. I've been a featured speaker on a number of conference and industry panels on topics ranging from Fanfiction, to Audiobooks, to Serialized Fiction. I'm a world music devotee and I love to travel (just hate to fly – a conflict, for certain). I enjoy twisting the extant into the exceptional, often basing works on historical themes or legendary folk tales and mythology.
I'm currently based in the Kansas City area, though I travel just as frequently as I can.
I think "BLOG" is the worst of all four-lettered words, but I occasionally have been known to do it. If you'd like to see my random musings, find my page on Medium.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.